Taking iPhone photos can be a tricky and frustrating process, but when conquered can be one of the most exciting tools to have. Mastering that little camera in your pocket will take some time, like anything else, but here are some of my favorite apps that come in handy every time!
Manual Camera: Both experienced photographers and first timers can rejoice over this one. A powerful, yet wonderfully simple, app that allows the user to control every setting or leave it to the phone when taking a photo. If you want a photo brighter, you can switch the phone into full Manual and set your settings as you'd like. For myself, used to shooting with my DSLR, I feel at home. But this is especially amazing for anyone looking to learn the basics of photography. The app isn't free - but for $1.99 you can unlock the full potential of that stellar camera you've got (Available for Android as well).
VSCOcam: A free app with some lovely editing treats hidden inside. Looking to craft that nostalgic feeling from the photos on your phone, like looking through boxes of your Grandparent's old photo albums? This is the app for you. Chalk full of filters to play with, and extras that can be purchased in-app, you can stamp the feel you're looking for on your images and fine tune them to your liking. Big recommend on this one!
Armed with your phone and some trusty apps anything is possible. Here's to all the memories you'll save & share!
Happy shooting!